Uploading Your eBook to Your Web Server

Uploading Your eBook to Your Web Server

When you are satisfied with your ebook, your next step will be to upload your ebook to your web server in BINARY mode.

When you create an ebook, the system creates a folder that contains your ebook's files (template, text, images, etc.), a folder that contains your ebook's system files (toolbar buttons, logo, variables, etc.), your ebook's project file and your actual ebook file.

If you called your ebook dog_grooming, here's what these folders and files will be called:

dog_grooming.files (template, text, images, etc.)
dog_grooming.system (toolbar buttons, logo, variables, etc.)
dog_grooming.ebp (ebook settings)
dog_grooming.exe (your ebook)

The only file you need to upload to your server is the EXE file, which is created when you compile your ebook.

To upload your ebook to your web server, you will need to use either an FTP program or your 'Control Panel' through your web host. Visit the 'File Transfer Protocol' section for additional information.

Placing Your eBook Within a ZIP File

Due to anti-virus and/or firewall programs blocking EXE software files, prior to uploading your ebook to your server, it is HIGHLY recommended that you place your ebook file within a ZIP file for distribution. Not only will this eliminate this problem, but it will also compress the file and shorten the download time. Visit the 'ZIP file' section for additional information.